Iomega FindIt, Portents DiskTracker (both 1.x and 2.x), Catalogue, CatFinder, Neometric Catalog, DiskLibrary, Broken Cross Disk Manager (Windows).MacWare Review Reviews of the most useful products and their sites.Mac FTP Sites Page- Excellent Source for FTP info & Links.University of Texas Mac Software Archive.Windows 3.x, Windows95 and Macintosh software. Multimedia Tour de Force! Multimedia Tour introduces and presents practically every extant Internet multimedia format in the categories ofAudio, Video, Animation, Virtual Reality, and Person to Person (Internet phones, IRC, etc.).Learn to Program Ada, C, C++, and/or Pascal Numbers and data describing Internet trends. Each technology isexplained in detail with embedded examples and instruction on incorporation into your own pages.
Macintosh SW Updates Archive recent additions.Mac Software Library at MIT Nice collection of Macintosh software.Children's Shareware Page Great collection of freeware and shareware for Macs and PCs organized with an eye to your kid's age.Internet Explorer & other Microsoft Software Microsoft's Web Browser.Louis' FTP archive Over 65 gigabytes of files in 11 top level directories Jumbo Shareware What else can you call a Web index with over 32,000 pages, over 340,000 links, and over 23,000 freeware and shareware programs?.Savetz's Unofficial Internet Public Domain Index Pointers to software that is in the public domain.Completelinks to sites for product downloads or for more detailed technical information round out the sections.

But at least from my location Germany I cannot find it anymore.

The way it looks, it will soon not be possible to run 32bit Programs under new Apple systems. For some of those programs it will be hard to find a good replacement (if at all) - like for DiskTracker. I contacted the support of Portents LLC asking if there are any plans to bring out a 64bit version - no response.
Last time the owner Mark Pirri communicated in public (on Twitter) was along with the update to version 2.4.7 in the year 2013.